Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poor thing, poor thing

Currently watching Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I've only seen it once, so it's nice to see so many wonderful actors in one place. Alan Rickman, anyone? Mrow.

Let's see, what nerd stuff have I done recently... not much. Oh! Well, it's not nerdy, more like trend, but I saw Black Swan with some friends the other day. Now, THAT was a trip. Natalie Portman is just great in just about anything, but she could win major awards for her performance. Though I don't really like things where you can't tell if what happens actually happens of if the character is just hallucinating, Black Swan was intriguing, if sometimes dizzying. By that I mean the cameras followed around Natalie Portman while she was dancing and twirling and I had a major headache that night so all the constant movement was occasionally painful. I'd give it a B. Mila Kunis, also mrow.

Other than that, all I've been doing is getting canceled on by my friends for lunch twice and baking a ridiculous amount of tasty goods. So far, at least 3 batches of cookies, one banana bread [soon to be two], two pumpkin pies, a cherry pie, brownies from scratch and whipped cream from real whipping cream, along with making dinner a lot this week. Exhausting. Terribly exhausting. AND being in the kitchen so long on the tile with no shoes is bad for the feet. So so bad. My place is definitely NOT in the kitchen. Blech.

What else... not much, since this is my nerdy things blog, not my complain about boyfriend or talk about personal problems blog. Hopefully I'll get some more anime in tonight, since it just didn't work out the past few nights. I need to watch Baccano!, Tower of Druaga, and Shiki, thanks to Bryan. He has high aspirations and creativity.

Merry almost Christmas everyone [you know, the two or three people who'll read this]. I love this time of year and if you don't, I'll love it enough for both you and me. <33333

Kay, I'm done. ^_^

ETA: Forgot to mention, I discovered BBC America and I'm going to record and watch every episode of Doctor Who I can. Today it had to do with three of the last four Daleks dying or whatever and only one being left. David Tennant, I'd have nerdy fun times with you, sir.
NOW I'm done.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Last night, boyfriend and I went to the IMAX 3D midnight showing of Tron: Legacy. After a ridiculous amount of trailers that reassured that I will NEVER see another 3D movie, the movie finally began. Also: POTC just needs to stop. JUST STOP.

The Disney logo shot was pretty damn cool, all laser-y and awesome. The actor who plays Sam Flynn is so close to being hott, but he just doesn't quite make it. He's clever and interesting, but average altogether. Jeff Bridges is/was the male version of HBIC and pretty much owned it. The fact the Clu was a CG Jeff Bridges made it all the more amazing because, for the most part, it looks like a real person. The only real problem was the lack of movement of the facial muscles but other than that, it was good.

The effects were ridiculously amazing and the sound was fan-freaking-tastic. Daft Punk did a wonderful job, proving to the world how talented they are. I'm saying this in this way because I don't know much about them to begin with and for two dudes with crazy helmets to score an entire movie with a full orchestra in addition to the ultra mega techno beats, I am impressed. The light cycles were really awesome but the whole games scene with the red guys and the white guys racing around really dragged in my opinion. Maybe if it was Harry Potter and the long drawn-out scene was, oh, a Quidditch scene or something, maybe I'd feel different.

Quick side note: Oh Olivia Wilde, you beautiful gorgeous amazing woman. Never stop. Keep being you. And the same to you Michael Sheen, for the most part.

The plot was okay. Boyfriend kept pointing out Star Wars references, which made me realize that I haven't seen them in a looooong time and should get on that. Yeah, I'll give Tron: Legacy a C+. It was better than I was expecting and I enjoyed it for the most part, but I wasn't a fan to begin with and I wasn't converted during the film. It was nice and plot-average and effects-extraordinary.

I haven't watched anything today... no that's a lie. I started watching the Cowboy Bebop movie today. Interesting so far. I really really mean to watch the series, hell I even own it, but I just can't seem to get into it. But if I managed to watch the first 20 episodes of Darker Than Black, I can probably make myself watch Bebop. But until then, I'll either bust out more Baccano! tonight or some True Blood season 2. I hate you Steve Newlin, I hate you so much.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

First post - let's try to make it good

All I can really say is that Google made me do it. Trying to get all of these accounts and email addresses and links in line, I ended up making a new blog and hopefully restricting access completely to the ridiculously whiny blog from 2006 AKA my junior year high school. ANYWAYS.

School is done for the year and I've been catching up on some well deserved free time. Lately, I've just been rewatching True Blood since I got season 1 for $12 on Black Friday, and then I just kept watching. So much fun. Andy Bellfleur is my favorite right now. The man just can't win. Last night, however, I started watching Baccano!. Apparently the creators said, "Linear, sensible storytelling be damned!" And since it jumps around in years, I HAVE to keep watching so I can figure out what's going on. Gotta say though, love Firo. Such a cute character AND the voice actor is Todd Haberkorn. Holy crap do I love me some Todd Haberkorn. I'll have to make a special post just about voice actors I think. So much fun for serious.

But back to Baccano! and it's strangeness. Apparently this company or people or whoever are the ones who make Durarara!! which I totally loved even though I spent a lot of the time making the O_o face. Baccano! is terribly violent, which also left me making a face, but it was more of a D: type of thing. I'm only 4 episodes in so I'll check in with updates about it and if anything strikes me as awesome or DNW.

Tonight I have to go see Tron on IMAX 3D with the boyfriend so we'll see how that goes. I'm not too psyched to see it despite the fact that the actual Tron world looks hella cool. Also: Olivia Wilde. She's been hott since the OC. I guess I'll talk about the movie in the next post. Alright then, have a nice and nerdy day.

- :]