Thursday, December 16, 2010

First post - let's try to make it good

All I can really say is that Google made me do it. Trying to get all of these accounts and email addresses and links in line, I ended up making a new blog and hopefully restricting access completely to the ridiculously whiny blog from 2006 AKA my junior year high school. ANYWAYS.

School is done for the year and I've been catching up on some well deserved free time. Lately, I've just been rewatching True Blood since I got season 1 for $12 on Black Friday, and then I just kept watching. So much fun. Andy Bellfleur is my favorite right now. The man just can't win. Last night, however, I started watching Baccano!. Apparently the creators said, "Linear, sensible storytelling be damned!" And since it jumps around in years, I HAVE to keep watching so I can figure out what's going on. Gotta say though, love Firo. Such a cute character AND the voice actor is Todd Haberkorn. Holy crap do I love me some Todd Haberkorn. I'll have to make a special post just about voice actors I think. So much fun for serious.

But back to Baccano! and it's strangeness. Apparently this company or people or whoever are the ones who make Durarara!! which I totally loved even though I spent a lot of the time making the O_o face. Baccano! is terribly violent, which also left me making a face, but it was more of a D: type of thing. I'm only 4 episodes in so I'll check in with updates about it and if anything strikes me as awesome or DNW.

Tonight I have to go see Tron on IMAX 3D with the boyfriend so we'll see how that goes. I'm not too psyched to see it despite the fact that the actual Tron world looks hella cool. Also: Olivia Wilde. She's been hott since the OC. I guess I'll talk about the movie in the next post. Alright then, have a nice and nerdy day.

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